there's just so much, don't you think?
our words carry a lot of weight. they can pull up or push so hard to the ground that it's difficult, if not impossible sometimes to get back up. i'm feeling those effects lately, and to be honest, i'm on both sides. pushing and trying to get back up.
this verse reminds me of God's grace.
i've tasted God (and continue too).
i almost feel like peter is saying, "yo, you know better than to act like this." he might have even been shaking his hand at me while he wrote it.
i know better.
make a clean sweep.
i'm also currently reading R E F R E S H, an incredible book by two incredible women, and i'm only on the third chapter and have started to make a clean sweep in my life. everything from what i wear, to what i eat, how my day goes.
i'm making a clean sweep.
and even right now, as i type this, i'm so amazed at how God is bringing this all together.
sometimes we've got to just take a moment, get refreshed and make a clean sweep of our lives.
clean it up.
say your sorry.
move on.
let it go.
give it to God.
be quiet.
eat better.
dress well.
take care of yourself.
and most importantly, like an infant at the breast, cling to God's goodness.
i thought about that part of the verse for a while. because at first, it made me giggle. like an infant? at the breast? couldn't he have thought of a better analogy?
some versions say "crave pure spiritual milk".
i'm not a mother.
but my niece will be THREE on saturday (seriously, where does the time go) and looking back on pictures of her first day on earth. i think i get it.
{my pretty sissy and her adorable new baby girl}
reagan's screamed subside when she ate (or slept).
she was crying out for her mommy.
reagan clung to amanda.
and still does.
she needs her to survive.
every child needs their mother to survive.
i need my Father to survive.
i'm trying to gulp down that spiritual milk.
i'm screaming for God to give me spiritual guidance.
to give me grace.
to show me mercy.
and only, when i spend time in His presence, when i can feel Him close to me, do i stop.
i don't ever want to stop crying out though, because i don't ever want enough of God.
and i don't ever want to stop feeling refreshed.
sometimes life just gets to be a lot. and there's only One to turn to.
He is all we need.
like a newborn clinging to their mother.
i'm clinging to Him.
becoming refreshed.
depending on Him.
This is beautiful--loving the verse! I've heard how wonderful it is to have a child-like faith and to depend on God like a child does to their father and mother. But I love the distinction of an infant and I'm loving the image of "pure spiritual milk."
Thanks so much for sharing this!
xo, gina
What wonderful things the Lord is teaching you! Thank you so much for sharing it with us!
Love your heart, girl! Thanks for sharing.
i love that scripture - what a brilliant translation. thank you for sharing!
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